Monday, April 30, 2007

Grand Old Lady Raped.

This is a comment I posted at Rocky's although I'm not sure if he can or will publish it. I reproduce it below:

[Meanwhile] Kali continues to ruin the grand old lady of Malaysian newspapers, the NST. I was really quite sickened to read the NST yesterday when the front page story was -unbelievably- Kali's inane and uninspired piece on flying handkerchiefs. Yes, yes I know it's about Ijok and the lies and empty promises of the opposition. But shouldnt such op-eds or essays (or whatever you call such pieces)NOT be on the front page?? For heaven's sake the front page is supposed to be about the news. Not a place to showcase your (gag)"flair for writing".

And as if the front page story was not enough, we were also entertained by Kali's story on how generous he and his son are, and how they care about poor people in Malaysia and even in far off places like New York (gag again).Masquerading as a human interest piece on respect and humility Kali's article is, to me, pathetically lacking in depth and is another blatant attempt at self aggrandizement.(Will Kali sue me for this? Its just my personal opinion kan? Other people are free to think that he is the best writer God ever put on Malaysian soil.)

Not too long ago a writer, listening to me lament the fate of the NST under the able hands of Kali, asked me point blank: What do you miss about the NST? I said for one thing I miss the broadsheet. For another I miss the good writers. I miss A Kadir Jasin, Rose Ismail, Shamsul Akmar, Ahmad Talib, Ahiruddin Atan (although not technically NST, I know), Saleha Ali, Fatimah Abu Bakar... just to name my favourites... Above all, I miss the feeling of real reading pleasure and intellectual satisfaction after reading the NST, especially on Sundays.
I hate feeling disgusted with the NST nowadays, feeling angry that this grand old lady has been 'raped' senseless. I hate that the paper has almost become a personal advertisement vehicle for certain personalities.
Hate the person responsible for this.
Sorry Rocky if this is a lot off topic, i just HAD to vent.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

BN trumps PKR. Whither Aljubs?

By now everyone will have heard that the BN won in Ijok. The victory is not surprising. If you had gone there in the last two days of campaigning, you will have sensed that the swing for BN was all around. What is surprising is the spike in the majority which rose from 1649 to 1850.

Odly enough, it was YDP who was being interviewed for almost an hour over RTM, although he was in Ijok for all of 1 and a half hours. Hmm. I was under the impression that Najib led the BN team in Ijok....
Anyway... that's not important. BN is after all a united front and the main thing is that the party won.
Back to the numbers. A hike in the majority is surprising in that it destroys the notion that the people are unhappy with the current administration. It seems that the bridge issue, the oil-for-food scandal, the 200million jet plane, the turkish yacht, the ecm-libra scandal... all those things dont matter to the people.
Then again maybe they do matter. Its just that people forgot about them. Why did the people forget? Because the opposition curiously forgot to raise them. In a most fishy manner, the PKR and DAP forgot the very issues that they have been riding on over the past 3 years. Instead they banked on the flimsy rumours of the Altantuya case and the alleged misdeeds in the Scorpene and Sukhoi case. The strategy reeked the stench of Al Jubs. Why? because the attacks were so centrally focused on Najib. Aljubs had the most to gain with Najib out of the picture.
The gnawing question is: what deal was there between Aljubs and certain quarters. We lay off you, you dont defend Najib?? Who knows.
Meanwhile, the real good news out of Ijok today is that PKR is all but dead. This was their last chance at a comeback. They failed disastrously.
For Aljubs, the loss is doubly bitter. Not only has he inadvertently strengthened Najib by forcing PM YDP to re-enforce his ringing endorsement of the deputy premiere, he has also removed all doubt that PKR is fading, by making it clear that even with the great Anwar leading the charge, people still reject PKR -or affectionately known as Keldaian
What he will do next is fairly predictable. He will rant and rave. He will cry foul and allege vote rigging and phantom voters. he will plead a victim of the might of the BN Machinery, he will claim BN's victory as having been bought by $$$
Behind the scenes, he is probably less loud,probably silent and fidgety. Aljubs now knows that outside of UMNO he is on the road to nowhere and fast. Ijok may well be his death knell.His future seems bleak.
What will he do? I would wager that he will intensify secret negotiations with SIL for his re-entry into UMNO, somehow. At the same time he will send yet another emissary to mengadap YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, something a little bird told me he tried to do at least four times before, each time failing miserably with TDM all but slamming the door on the face of the envoy. (Not literally of course)
Aljubs will want to get into UMNO at all costs. he knows that PKR is toast. He's probably relieved he's not a member. Then again he already calculated that he wanted to be free to consider his options -options that include re-joining UMNO. What he miscalculated on was BN's strength, in particular Najib's strength in countering his personal attacks.
Tonight is a humid night. But Anwar is feeling cold, because he is locked on the outside in this dark and dreary night, looking through UMNO's window and seeing the warmth and comfort inside. He knows he has to get in or he will just fade away into the night. The desperation is increasing for him. As he listens to the joy and laughter inside the UMNO home, he realises on this side of the wall there is no celebration. By this time tomorrow, when the Ijok dust settles, Anwar will see that he is all alone.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dewa Turun Kayangan

Like the legendary dewa (mystical beings sometimes inaccurately described as demi-gods) of old Malay and Hindu folklore, PM YDP descended from his Kayangan (the heavens) to soil his holy feet amongst the mere mortals of ijok.

This sent the entire political community into a buzz. "Why did the PM have to 'turun'? Is it such a tough fight in Ijok?".

The popular notion here on earth, is that the PM does not come to campaign during by-elections. This has been practiced for many years, even in the era of the great TDM. It is unlikely that PM YDP didnt get the memo on this. He was not too long ago a DPM himself and I remember well him having to campaign in Anak Bukit and Pendang and before that in Bentong and Indera Kayangan. So he knows well that by convention the PM doesnt campaign in by-elections.

So why did he do it anyway? The possible reasons can only be:

1. He got the wrong info: that BN is on the losing side in Ijok and therefore his rescuing presence(insert laughter here) is badly needed

2. He has no confidence in the campaign led by his deputy

3.This is another subtle attempt by SIL to undermine Najib. He deploys the unsuspecting, half asleep FIL as a tool to convey his message. - This is quite brilliant if you think of it: You know Ijok is a winner now, so u better get FIL to come, so that credit can be robbed from Najib who slaved for 10 days there. So now you can start another whispering campaign that says "Nasib baik PM datang, sebab tu menang... kalau tak kalah dah..." As if Najib did nothing for 10 days. Either way, kalau BN kalah, Najib still gets all the blame, kalau menang none of the credit. Oxford trained SIL well.

In my view, Ijok aint as tough a battle as some might have you believe. It's a tougher fight than Machap and Batu Talam of course, but not anywhere near Lunas. BN has definitely gained a stronger foot hold since the campaign started. So to my suspicious mind, and relating to my theories of conspiracy and the hunt for a legacy PM YDP's descent is motivated by something more than the desire to see BN win. Whether it's his own motive or the motive of other sinister plotters, I dare not speculate.
Update 28 April 12:18 a.m :
The Sun had thi story, which I found on Malaysia Today:
Prime Minister Datuk Seri AbdullahAhmad Badawi said today he has confidence in Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's capability as his deputy, especially in carrying out the tasks entrusted to him.
"I've confidence in Najib as the deputy prime minister for I'm satisfied with many of the tasks he has implemented," he told reporters after launching the National Intellectual Property Day 2007 here.
The prime minister was responding to queries surrounding the opposition's personal attacks on Najib in the run-up to the Ijok state by-election in Selangor tomorrow.Voters will cast their ballots to pick either Barisan Nasional (BN)'s K. Parthiban, 38, who is Tanjung Karang MIC secretary, or Parti KeadilanRakyat (Keadilan)'s Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, 61, who is former Guthrie Bhd chief executive officer.
Abdullah said Najib, in his capacity as BN deputy chairman, had on numerous occasions proven his ability to lead the BN by-election machinery."Although I'm the BN chairman (and it's my) responsibility to lead, he has been heading the by-election machinery all this while, proving his capability with successful outcomes," he said.The prime minister said the opposition should not have made personal attacks against his deputy as the accusations had nothing to do with Najib.
My hypothesis above must be entirely unfounded. I'm sorry. All is well then. I stand corrected.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Question of Legacy

It was a wet day in Ijok. The rain, had returned after a brief hiatus at midday and I found myself huddled in one of the quaint "kedai kopi" in the middle of this tiny town that is now the focus of the entire nation. A number of reporters also take shelter there and one of them, sitting at the next table looks our way, recognizes my friend and moves over to join us. Conversation starts about this and that, then he says... "kesian Najib.. betul-betul kena sekali ni"
Naturally my friend asks why. I listen with marked interest. This guy is a reporter from one of the TV stations. He must know what he's talking about. "Sorang-sorang dia kena balun dengan Pak Sheikh...Takdak sapa mai tolong." he says. Again my friend asks why. I am the uninvolved listener in this scene, but my interest is unmistakable. Happy that he has a keen audience, the reporter continues "Hang tak perasan ka? Sekarang ni, pembangkang pun dah dapat air-time. Dulu mana TV station kita benarkan... sekarang coverage calon pembakang hampir lebih air time dari calon BN."
"Awat lagu tu?" My friend asks, reverting to his native Kedah dialect.The reporter is only too happy to divulge his 'insider' stories. It seems that in actual fact, BN Big guns are down to help campaign in Ijok although looking at the news one would think its only Najib doing the rounds. But apparently there's been some... 'wahyu' if you will... a commandment from on-high that there should be less focus on BN's campaign and more 'flexibility' must be given in airing the opposition's campaign. Not so much that it would get noticed... just more than before.
"Tak kan lah" said my friend incredulously, although of course anyone following the events in Ijok on the news will tell you that for the first time ever, the opposition is being given ample exposure during prime time news. "Betul, Bang." said the reporter. "Kami diberitahu begitu... pasai katanya PM YDP [the term is used by me in this article.. not by the reporter] nak satukan Melayu.. perlahan-lahan."
The conversation went on for a bit longer, then the rain stopped again and we parted ways.
What the reporter said stayed with me long after we left the Kedai Kopi. Penyatuan Melayu by PM YDP? What could this mean? To my suspicious mind, this had a thousand and one implications. Naturally Penyatuan Melayu would mean bringing together the Malays of UMNO, PAS and Keldaian.... which - following through with the train of thought of my previous posting- means that it's another piece in the jigsaw that will form the picture of Al-Jubs' return to UMNO, which adds another token in favour of the conspiracy theory against Najib.

I called up a few of the learned, battle-scarred former generals of Malaysian politics and asked them what they thought was actually afoot. One interesting insight was this: Its about legacies. It seems that PM YDP is very much pre-occupied about his legacy when he high-tails it out of office. This Elder of the Party told me that from day one PM YDP has been obsessed about the mark he'll make. You see, said the Elder, PM YDP has a bit of an insecurity about stepping into the shoes of the great YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, an icon of Malaysian politics, and a much respected global statesman. He thought, in the begining, that his endless sloganeering was good enough to win support of Malaysians. But after the so-called honeymoon period, he realized that Malaysians demand substance to back up the pretty slogans, something he had very little of.
He often lamented to his fourth floor boys about this and they set about carving a niche for PM YDP. Islam Hadhari, Biotechnology, Human capital, Towering Malays, Red Book, Green Book... all sorts of crap were dished out, in their pitiful attempt to make PM YDP look good. But nothing worked. Psycophants will forever polish your knob and say stuff to make you feel good, but deep down they realize the truth. They knew that even if you polish glass for a thousand years in a thousand different ways, a worthless piece of glass will never become a diamond. PM YDP will never even become even the toenail of TDM, much less a person of equal stature.
Of course they have some of the HP6 Ministers time and again coming out with assinine statements about not comparing leadership styles and that TDM's time is past, or that PM YDP is the dream leader and stuff like that. But nothing erases the fact that PM YDP is mediocre at best, and that should he no longer be leader tomorrow, his legacy would only be the empty slogans, oh and yes , the unabated ascendancy of SIL during his rule.
Even PM YDP realises this sad truth. He must have a more impressive legacy. Something that would cause history to place him in the same league as TDM and TAR, Malaysia's most illustrious Prime Ministers.
In the view of his advisers, the most impactful thing is to bring the warring Malay factions together. "Let's face it", they seemed to have said, "you cant beat Mahathir's industrialisation and modernisation, you cant beat what TAR did with FELDA and stabilising communal relations through economic restructuring". No way in hell, unless there is a nuclear war, everything is destroyed and PM YDP gets to start with a clean slate. Not gonna happen.
So what do you do? you deliver what TDM has himself proclaimed his own failure to accomplish: To unite the Malays. You will then finally get a worthy "Bapa something" to add to your name when you hit the road: Like Bapa Pembangunan or Bapa Pemodenan. You, instead of holding to the ridiculos, pre-mature, insane tag of Bapa K-Ekonomi bestowed on you by one of your Ministers, can rightfully claim to be Bapa Penyatuan Melayu. (Salivate salivate. clap clap)
Now to do this, what must you do first? Bring the most difficult protagonist into the fold, then others will soon follow. This prize catch is none other than Al Jubs, the actor of actors, the fake of fakes. He may be fake, but damn, he still has his followers. Hell he can talk the pants off of anyone! ( No pun intended.)
And so the game plan is set in motion. Start the mental conditioning of the malay public, especially the UMNO stalwarts. Give the opposition airtime. Allow Al Jubs to have a field day with the press... and... make no effort to save Al-Jubs favourite target: Najib. For indeed, how on earth will you bring back Al Jubs if his perceived primary stumbling block is in the way?
Perlahan-lahan, the reporter said.
It's still a blurry picture but its starting to make sense to me. Re-introduce the idea, condition the mind, kill the main obstacle, then roll out the red carpet.
My friend, the learned party Elder sums up: It's all about an unfound legacy. An all important legacy, a coveted immortality. Some men would pay a hefty price for it. One man and his SIL may consider offering a bigger sacrificial lamb: The illustrious son of a legendary Malay leader.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Unholy Alliance?

Here's something I wrote a while back... I thot It should be posted here...
As far as Al-Jubs (DSAI) is concerned, the equation is simple: If the path to power is through UMNO, then that path must be (U minus N) to the power of K; U being UMNO, N being Najib, K being SIL.

Al-Jubs is well aware that what TDM said is too true: Any hopes of coming back to power on his part is nothing more than a pipe dream... unless... he is back in UMNO.

But then his return to UMNO is not that easy. He (being the egotistical megalomaniac that he is) will never return to UMNO as an ordinary member, and he has a deep rooted vengeance against Najib , because on some level Al-Jubs feels Najib has taken what is rightfuly his -The number two spot. In the begining Al-Jubs was hoping that his Golden Key to UMNO was through SIL.SIL after all was extremely involved in securing Al-Jubs' freedom. And Al-Jubs sensed that SIL was looking for a symbiotic relationship of sorts...

The symbiotic relationship SIL wanted, had to do with his own famous ambition. SIL knows that he will never be next in line for the number one spot because of his age. So he needed a black stallion (no reference to anything sexual here.) to run the course first- A stallion who would be indebted to him, and who would ensure his ascendancy, long after his current source of power- The Sleeping YDP- is gone.
After the famous passport episode, SIL and Al Jubs realised that people were getting suspicious. Rumours abound about a lengthy phone call between Al Jubs and YDP -arranged by SIL-while YDP was in Australia for his nose job.. er.. I mean sinus treatment. Then there was that Hari Raya open house call.
So to throw people off the scent of their unholy alliance, SIL went on the UMNO Youth platform and angrily condemned AlJubs as 'Pengkhianat', conveniently forgetting the whole passport incident.
SIL has at least twice more repeated that Al Jubs will never be accepted into UMNO. But we all know that promises made in politics mean diddly squat. All that is needed is for SIL to organize a 'popular voice' gimmick and then say "Kita terpaksa akur dengan kehendak akar umbi"... it's a trick done a million times before.
So anyway, the unholy alliance continues on the quiet. Fast forward to today, Little Birds here and there keep on singing about secret meetings and telephone calls between the two. Even letters to one lovers in a forced separation. When YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad began his well-grounded offensive against YDP and SIL, AlJubs felt that he was getting closer to his goal. YDP and SIL needed to strengthen themselves by bringing AL Jubs as a trump card to thwart TDM.
They severely miscalculated. UMNO was still unwilling to accept ALJubs, and worse the party was deeply divided about their support for YDP, one huge faction clearly leaning on the side of TDM. The Al Jubs re-acceptance plan was put on hold. But make no mistake, Little Birds say, the relationship is still there. Only now they are playing the waiting game, hatefully banking on the fact that with TDM being 82, time cant possibly be on his side.
While they wait, they take on the other big obstacle, Najib. Wasnt it Al Jubs who started the Mongolian connection story? And the Scorpene link story? and the Sukhoi link story? It wasnt anyone else.
Al Jubs says nothing about the ECM Libra Avenue affair, nor about the oil for food scandal, nor about any of the 1001 nonsensical moves of the YDP administration... but he goes doggedly after Najib. Meanwhile, no one is coming to Najib's defence.
Where is the Pemuda Wing that he used to lead? Hisham of course says nothing without SIL's green light and SIL will not lift a finger to help Najib although technically the Youth Wing is duty bound to defend the deputy president.
What about the other ministers of the half past six cabinet? No one has said a word in defense of Najib. Why? We're talking about a bunch of sycophants and yesmen who would even say YDP's farts smell like roses! Yet they do nothing to defend Najib?
This is not to say whether Najib is innocent or not. That's a whole other debate altogether. What I'm getting at is: Isn't it a bit suspicious and uncharacteristic of UMNO that no one defends the number two? That they are lettling him drown all alone? Doesn't it smack of some kind of conspiracy somwhere?
(Consider this: When Razak Baginda was arrested, how come the Straits Times of Singapore broke the story before the local papers? [On a completely unrelated matter, Hindugod was in Singapore the day before that, or so says another Little Bird.]How come for the first time newspapers revealed the identity of a remanded suspect BEFORE he was even charged?)
If AlJubs is, as he claims, a valiant hero who fights for truth and justice, why hasnt he EVEN ONCE attacked SIL? Why hasnt he charged nepotism and crony-ism against YDP like he was quick to do with TDM? Why has he made no noise about the house in Perth, the Turkish Gullet, the RM200 mil jet, the inexplicable wealth of SIL and friends, the inanely stupid responses of YDP ("like I dont know, I'm not involved"..).
Put it this way... as the de facto leader of the opposition, shouldn't AlJub's sparring partner be YDP? Why should he go after Najib if his objective is to discredit UMNO? He should go after the party's supremo. Instead he attacks Najib and only Najib. Which can only mean that he sees Najib as an obstacle to his path forward, which means that he feels his path forward is still through UMNO, which necessarily means that the unholy alliance between him and SIL is very very much alive... and... given SIL's and AlJubs tendency to always favour the interest of their foreign friends over what's important to Malays and Malaysia, that's something about which UMNO members should be afraid. Very afraid.

Friday, April 20, 2007

If you're hot, you're hot, if you're not, you're not

Shortly after The Apology I received an urgent SMS from my friend, whom we'll call Jong-Il (due to his uncanny likeness to the hermit dictator of North Korea), who said;

"Bro, what is numero uno rambling nonsense on RTM1?". Naturally I immediately switched to see the great YDP in action.

I don't quite know how to describe it to be honest. He was...mediocre at best. And I'm really trying to be objective here (...I can almost hear my friends scoff...). Cakap macam orang sembang kat kedai kopi, if you ask me. I was a little embarassed at first, seeing my undisputed leader speaking so poorly. He went on and on about how poverty is relative as are commodity prices bla bla bla. Then I thought, (being objective again... and I hear the same scoffing again) "maybe he is doing it deliberately... it is after all to the UMNO machinery he was speaking to".

Then he went on the personal tack and unabashedly defended his so-called record, citing bourse hikes, and the much touted 1 trillion trade volume yadda yadda yadda. Then I think he crossed a line. For me, anyway. He said something like "Depa kata saya nak berhenti bulan tujuh. Sapa kata?? " and then the much quoted "Depa kata saya one term Prime Minister... nanti tengok...", which was just before he added that he doesnt want to be a leader for keeps because "Kesian Najib dok tunggu nuuh...".

My immediate reaction was: Takkabur betul orang tua ni. (This old man is really Takabbur) [Takkabur means...erm... well it's when someone is so full of pride in himself that he discounts the will of God in determining things... something like that.]

Now I'm not typically religious or anything. But my point is that HE is! YDP bases his entire personality on the fact that he is the grandson of an renowned Ulama and that his tertiary education was in the field of islamic studies... he peppers his speeches with references to the Quran etc. So how can a person like that be so bongkak an angkuh? Where is the requisite "inshaAllah"...? where is the humility? I have never known anyone who has ever heard TDM say anything remotely like that.

Then again this is nothing new kan? Remember "Saya Perdana Menteri"... and "Anak Saya Kaya"?

So to me, this kind of makes me wonder whether YDP is all that he is made out to be. I remember a foreign friend of mine, who doesnt know much about Malaysian politics, who told me that when YDP was ponted out to her as the new PM, her first instict was that "This man wears a mask." (Should we now call him the Masked one?... entah lah...)

So anyway, of course the next day NST went overboard (as usual) in trying to put he pathetic speech in a good light. It had this on the front page, like it was some divine revelation from on-high:

The full NST perspective of the mediocre speech can be read here. Of curse once you read it, you will think that its not as bad as I'm making it out to be. Trust me it was. Thats just the NST black magic of HindugodMuslimpriest breaking your defences.

But however much NST tries, they cant really reverse the damage. Jong Il wasnt the only one who sent me a text that night. At least 13 more came in, all saying how disapppointed they are with YDP. One said he (YDP)spoke with all the flair and aplomb of a KL City Cab driver. Another said she was "malu nak mengaku pemimpin kita".

It's interesting that the NST was the only paper that made a big deal about that speech. NST and of course RTM la, who broadcast th speech in the first place. Other papers just treated it like any other speech. A must use story because its the holy words of YDP (even its mind bogglingly inane), but nothing spectacular.

Poor NST. Nak sangat orang pandang YDP tu hebat. But hey, if you're hot, you're hot... if you're not... buat lah macam mana pun, you are just NOT!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tun Apologizes...or did he?

Saw it in on the 8pm news. For the first time in yonks, TV3 was only too happy to show an extended footage of TDM's press conference. Tun said he made a statement relating to YDP (Yang Disalah Pilih)'s house in Perth based on strong and presistent rumours. It has since been proven that the house "belonged to the wife of a chinese businessman". (The portion in quotes came from TV3's script).

I wonder why TDM did that. It seems so out of character... and in the next portion of the PC footage, he apparently told bloggers not to embellish so as not to erode the credibility of their blogs....

Hmm... it all seems a little strange. I sent a bewildered text to TDM's aide, who responded by saying it's all part and parcel of spinning...

Wonder if my blogger idol Rocky has a take on this...
Now I get what TDM's aide meant in his reply to my sms ... get the full perspective of what TDM said here and for a take on Agence France-Presse's view, read here.
D-uhhh.... how could I have missed it??? It was a brilliant move by TDM to 'apologize'. Then again, my first reaction to this story was based on the spin on TV3. Now that I have the full context, I know that it was a master stroke from a master politician. TDM managed to:
1. Get extra airtime, more than he did in the last nine months
2. Get the story of the house onto the mainstream media, where before it was only on the blogs and the internet.
3. Get it out in the open that SIL was caught with his pants down, confessing to Kamaluddin's ownership of the house, when in actual fact it was Mrs. Patrick Badawi's
Now, TV3's claimed 3 million viewers of Bulletin Utama all over the country will be talking about the Perth House, finding out more things, when previously they knew nothing.
A masterstroke from a Master politician. What else can i say. The man's a genius. hidup Mahathir!

Spooky Muck shares birthday with Oldstarfish and Bud!

Just got off the phone with my good friend Oldstarfish... told him about Spooky Muck and he pointed out that this blog shares his birthday!Which means it shares Bud's birthday as well... so yaay... happy birthday Spooky Muck, Oldstarfish and Bud.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And so it begins... again

Yes.. 'again' in the title. Coz I tried to get this damned blog kicked off a couple of days ago... stupid office server wont allow submission to blogspot. Must be a firewall thingy.
Let me see if I remember bits of my supposed maiden posting on this blog. Think it went something like this:
The other day at the airport, my moronic friend Rusdi asked me if I had a blog. He knew me quite well, Rusdi did, and he sensed that a person who is quite prone to verbal hemorrhaging such as yours truly would probably need an outlet to express my pent up rage. He also knew that I followed keenly most of the major blogs, particularly KMU, Malaysia Today, Jeff Ooi and of course my favourite, Rocky's bru.
I did of course have a blog... but it's more likemy travel journal, which I created to keep friends informed of what i was up to some time ago when I was in the UK. I've never had a blog where I can really rant and rave... maybe because I dont want to risk people knowing who I am. Am I chicken shit? Hell No.
Well maybe. A little. Then again you would be too if you were me. I've got to earn a living you know... and we l;ive in times when having an opinion could cause you to lose the means to earn a living.
So I've decided to blog quietly... a small little corner in cyberspace where I can get really pissed off, explode, and not worry about losing my job because of it.
Why Spooky Muck for an address? Literally spooky muck means a scary-ass mess of crap. Figuratively of course it refers to crappy stuff that's unfolding all around me, here in this country that's teetering perilously close to being called "North Singapore".... but best of all... I chose it coz of the play on the pronounciation, when you pronounce it with a malay tone. I wouldn't say it out loud if I were you... ;)
So here I go... Welcome to this Spooky Muck.(Don't say THIS out loud either).