Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Daddy and Mummy!!

My good friend Che Siti (who' birthday was yesterday, btw. Happy Birthday!) sent me a text early this morning to say that there were some sweet pictures of the great YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia and YABhg. Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, posted on KMU.

They were follow up pictures posted on KMU by Jinggo after the Kuwaiti PM's visit to TDM at his residence on May 28th. I was so moved to see TDM's photos... God I miss having him as PM. Those were the days.... I just pray Allah keeps him well for many years to come.

Anyway, the follow up pictures are as below. They are copyrighted by Jinggo and KMU I believe. I thank them for allowing me to post the pictures of my spiritual "Daddy & Mummy" here. (By the way, one of their kids has given me express permission to proclaim them spiritual mummy and daddy ;) so tak malu ler...)

(Left) Ahhh... the permanent first couple. The true king and queen of people's hearts. Seen here at the doorway of their home, Seri Cahaya.

And this (right) is my favourite photo of " Tun mummy and Tun daddy".. . Tun Siti, forever young at heart and the epitome of positive energy, clowns around her husband of more than 50 years. Couple of the year, couple of the decade, couple of five centuries.

May Allah always bless them both, keep them happy like this forever and ever, and reward them for everything they have sacrificed for all of us and for this country. May He keep them for us, may he give Tun Mahathir health and strength, and Tun Hasmah the same, so she can continue to be his rock and pillar of courage and fortitude. Amin.

We love you Daddy & Mum, and we miss Tun Daddy's golden days in office....

Thank you again Photographer Jinggo and for photos

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In Office But Not In Power

Not too long ago, political commentator BigGuyDotCom (a.k.a blogger Biggum Dogmannsteinberg) coined the phrase “Celebritum De Mediocratis” over on political forum MYKMU. I’m not sure about the soundness of Biggie’s latin (coz mine is probably infinitely worse) but the phrase was meant to convey the unfortunate yet obvious national trend of adulating leaders who were mediocre at best. .(Maybe it's even a WORLD trend:see Bush, Howard, Abe...even Bambang!.. All mediocre, all quite diappointing to their voters.)

Anyway, back to Biggie and his coining of the phrase....This was back about a year ago, if my memory hasn't failed me, right about the time when the great TDM decided that enough was enough and that he had to speak his mind. As a direct consequence of TDM’s lashing out against the outrageous rape, pillage and plunder of the country, and against the complete absence of leadership within UMNO and government, the hypocrisy of a bunch of UMNO leaders bubbled to the surface. The “Budaya Mengampu” scaled new heights, with accolades and praise showered on certain individuals, where it was clear that none was due. In an effort to ‘defend’ their boss against the onslaught of factually-sound attacks coming from a veritable giant of Malaysian politics, the bunch of UMNO clowns just gushed and spewed adulation bordering on worship, just to prove to their boss -in whose hands their own fates lay- just how loyal they are. Facts be damned, reality be damned, TDM be damned, and country be damned…all that matters is that my periuk nasi is safe and full.. runneth over, perhaps.

And so the “Celebritum De Mediocratis” culture that Biggie talked about became a reality in this land of ours. A leader so inherently weak, so obviously incompetent, absent, and inept, was continuously propped up and pushed as a capable captain, even though his narcoleptic tendencies and disdain for reading and learning is known to all and sundry.

This is of course all well documented and much discussed over the months since the leadership crisis became apparent.

But I’m writing on it again because I was reminded of the situation we were –and still find ourselves- in, as I read a column (India Diary ) in The Star today (28th May). I'm not writing anything new. I'm just re-expressing old fears. The heading of the article I read today just leapt out at me: "In Office But Not In Power".
Boy does that sound familiar.

The article was of course talking about India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who after three years in office is widely seen as weak and woefully lacking in political management abilities (again, familiar, huh?). This is in spite of a robust economy and burgeoning markets. Manmohan Singh “fails to assert Prime Ministerial authority “ and is more regarded as a seat warmer until Rahul Ghandi is ready to ascend the Premiership. (Read the full article here.)

The article borrows it’s title phrase from the scathing description of former British PM John Major by his Iron Lady predecessor Margaret Thatcher. Major, in the end, proved to be all that a disenchanted Baroness Thatcher felt him to be: weak, too conciliatory and lacking in vision. And so his inability to effectively govern, because of his inherent weaknesses and because of the rebellion arising thereof, makes him fit the bill of being ‘in office but not in power’.

Over here in our great nation, a certain dozing leader can also be labeled in office but not in power. However, unlike Manmohan Singh who came into his powerlessness by 'taking over' what is essentially Sonia Gandhi's victory and popular support, and different from John Major who inherited a problematic party and a beleaguered office, our sleeping leader came into office very well positioned, very strong and solid. He was anointed by the Great TDM, for one thing, but more importantly when TDM left office, the party was strong and united, the economy stable and the government had money. YDP came into office at a time when the office was almost unassailable. TDM had ensured that an enormous amount of power rested with the man who wears the captain's hat. Unfortunately, the man he appointed just gave away that power without the slightest inclination of what he was actually doing.
Our guy is In Office But Not In Power not JUST because he’s weak, incompetent, unfocused, clueless and lacks knowledge and vision. No. over here there are other factors that make the phrase all the more apt. He's not in power because the power was summarily surrendered to family and aides. Then again, when you know nothing, refuse to read anything, sign every piece of paper shoved your way and delegate every single thing except your bodily functions to your family and your arrogant young upstart staff members, what do you expect?? Of course the power will lie elsewhere. It will lie with the people around you!

For heaven’s sake, they decide everything for you except the colour of your underwear. (But rumour has it, even THAT someone else decides for you…. “Pengurus kediaman”, was it?...something like that. Who knows…). So in the case of our country, the leader is indeed in office but not in power, because the de facto leader is someone else. Maybe the de facto leader is not even just one person, but a group. The Four Ks for example. Or Son and SIL. Or SIL and the Fourth K together with the Plagiarist and friends. Or SIL and his band of bandits whose office is above the third floor. Or really any combination of the above. The point is, the power is likely in the hands of some or all of those people, but it DOES NOT lie where it should be: In the hands of the person in office.

Meanwhile, the sycophants and ‘pengampus’ caring only about their periuk nasi, inadvertently keep the power-deficient leader in office. They know and resent in their heart that the de facto leader is someone else, but their conscience is stifled by their own desire to stay on top. So they keep up the charade, and keep the leader in office, although they know he is not in power. The real power-grabber will come into office someday in the future… before he turns 40, if popular gossip is to be believed.

So perhaps the sleeping leader is very similar to Manmohan in one sense more than any other: He is a seat warmer. At least SIL would like to see him that way. A seat warmer / puppet who can be manipulated and used to great effect, until SIL himself rises high enough to take over. To be in Office AND In power. Now that's something interesting to anticipate. Is it not...? (sigh...).

Saturday, May 26, 2007

He's A Pretender!

Not one hour ago, the international news agencies were abuzz that Aljubs has pulled out of the Keldaian party race. (As usual, we see that the international media always seems to be watching Aljubs; they seem to know more about him than the local press, and seem to be forever painting him in a positive light. Then again, it shouldn't come as a surprise. the foreign media is always favourable to stooges of Uncle Sam, and we know that Aljubs is definitely on the state department payroll)
Really, did anyone think that Aljubs was really going to go ahead with the race after the ROS said he cant get an exemption from the rules? Even he knew from the start that he couldn't go through with it or he would risk de-registeration of Keldaian. The whole defiant courage thing was just an act. Of course it paints such a romantic picture of heroism and Braveheart-like iron will in the face of 'oppressive' authority. This is vintage Aljubs. How many times are poor Keldaian folks going to fall for it?

At least Nalla learned his lesson. Actors like Aljubs are just that: Actors. He may give you the whole song and dance about 'cause' and 'reform' and 'equality' but in the end its just to serve his purpose. 30 years of 'procuring' favours and.. erm... good times...for Aljubs did little to enhance Nalla's position in the eyes of Aljubs. In the end his 'jambu' still matters most. (Boarding school fellas would know what i mean).
And so Nalla was left out in the cold. Darn. It looks like your switch into up-and-up politics isn't gonna work out, huh Nalls? Best you get back to your former day job... I believe there's a whole shipment of.. erm... merchandise ... just arrived from mainland china. And they've got passports and everything! ;)

Meanwhile, Nalla can take comfort that his 'good friend' of 30 years is not exactly in bliss and is in fact getting his share of restless nights. Yes, Aljubs is finding himself quite overwhelmed these days. First he is implicated in the Wolfowitz debacle. Actually, about that, it's important for us to remember that what the scandal unearths is not just that Aljubs is involved in giving Wolfowitz's girlfriend Shaha Riza a leg up (no pun intended) on her career path. More eye-opening for us, should be the very deep involvement of an aspiring leader of this country in a dubious and shady organization established and largely funded by the State Department of the government of the United States of America.
Aljubs has of course tried to obfuscate and evade the issue, but the story is simple and clear: Wolfowitz got his girl into the State Department; while there, she started work to establish a foundation funded by the Department and other governments of European nations and the middle east (although so far only USA has given the money); she recommends Aljubs to be lead consultant and when the foundation was set up, she recommends him to be chairman; (he then reciprocates the favour by writing personally to request for her transfer from the State Department to the fledgling Foundation with a huge pay rise.. but this doesn't really concern us for now...).
Simply put, Aljubs is made chairman of a foundation originally established under the auspices of the State Department and funded by it. Aljubs therefore -from my perspective- receives his salary from the funds of the State Department. Directly or indirectly (depending on how the paperwork is prepared), I would draw the conclusion that Aljubs is under the payroll of Uncle Sam. If this is so, then it makes clear what Aljubs's detractors have been saying for years. His loyalty compass is suspect. (Although frankly to me its not a matter of suspicion at all. Its clear Aljub's loyalty is only towards one party: himself)
You'd think that's bad enough for a politician to face. After all he was still reeling from a humiliating defeat for his party in Ijok just a week or two before the Wolfowitz story broke. Then came the party circus. The quarrels and the squabbles of the youth factions, and now the devastating walk-out of Nalla and his (surprising) band of supporters. But beyond what's visible on the surface, the problems that plague Keldaian shows a party that is coming towards the end of its shelf-life. And also, a politician, once on the rise, is now sinking fast, free falling in an ocean of problems with no bottom in sight.
Keldaian is about to implode because it has lost its reason for being. It was born to fight for Aljubs, but now that he is out, he is not even willing to become even an ordinary member of the party. I'll bet he's finding it really convenient that ROS has barred him from taking up the Keldaian top job. While he rants and blames the government for it, he's probably relieved that because the way things have unfolded he still has a shot at rejoining UMNO.
But still, he is in free fall. Still very much in political limbo.
Kesian Aljubs... Really. I do pity him, although that doesnt mean that I dont think he deserves it. Memang padan muka pun. Aljubs is now beleaguered. He's in deep muck and what he will do next will be interesting to watch.
If I can gauge correctly, I think he's going to push the spotlight away from his declining political career, yet still remain in the spotlight. He can't go into silent mode lest people will realise he's finished.
So? How?
I suspect he will leverage on the Altantuya and Lina Joy cases to divert attention from his declining political fortunes, to smear his nemesis DPM Najib and to keep his convict face in the news. He will use Lina Joy to appeal to non muslim voters, now that its obvious Malays have rejected him.He will try and become a champion of so-called equality and religious dialogue (although you know he doesn't believe any of it. If he did, he would have championed the same cause when he was DPM)... or something like that.
Oh well what else can you expect?Aljubs is a pretender of pretenders, giving performance after performance. To the non Malays he rejects the NEP, to the Malays he preaches in its favour...only with another name. To Newsweek he would say he spent time in prison reading the complete works of Shakespeare, to Tempo and Harakah he would say he was reading and memorizing the Quran. He tells the world he is against the war in Iraq, but draws a salary from the US Government. He claims to be an academician, even a professor, but we now know those jobs were not merit based but were arranged by powerful friends.
To me, (and this is just my personal opinion), he is nothing more than a duplicitous traitor,... a traitor to his followers, to the Malays and to his country. With all that has unfolded in recent times: Ijok, Wolfowitz, Keldaian, Aljubs can't hope to keep up his charade. It's obvious his whole persona is built on lies, untruths and false pretenses. How anyone can still support this joker is beyond me.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tak Perlu Tanya Singa

I didn't read the papers until very late today. Nor did did I watch the news. But my friend alerted me of Pak Lah's (welcomed) backtracking on Singapore's involvement with SJER. He attributed the whole fiasco to "silap sebut" on Singapore's part. The Utusan front page story is as follows:
Tidak libat Singapura -- PM: Malaysia tidak perlu rujuk republik itu mengenai WPI
Daripada Aznan Bakar
TOKYO 24 Mei – Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata,Malaysia tidak perlu merujuk kepada Singapura dalam menjayakan pembangunan di Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar (WPI) di Johor.Tegas Perdana Menteri, kerajaan Singapura juga tidak akan terlibat dalam apa juga bentuk perancangan di wilayah itu.Malah, tegas Perdana Menteri, status jawatankuasa peringkat menteri antara Malaysia dan Singapura untuk WPI bukan jawatankuasa perundingan.
‘‘Ia berlaku mungkin kerana silap sebut (di pihak Singapura),” katanya ketika menjawab satu soalan pada sesi bersama media Asia sempena Persidangan Antarabangsa Nikkei Ke Arah Masa Depan Asia di sini hari ini.Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya oleh seorang wartawan mengenai kebimbangan penduduk Johor berhubung pembabitan Singapura di WPI melalui jawatankuasa tersebut.Sebelum ini dilaporkan bahawa Malaysia dan Singapura bersetuju menubuhkan sebuah jawatankuasa khas peringkat menteri khusus untuk WPI di Johor selepas Abdullah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri republik itu, Lee Hsien Loong di Pulau Langkawi baru-baru ini.
Antara lain jawatankuasa itu akan memperincikan penggunaan kad pintar bagi memudahkan keluar masuk pelabur ke WPI dari Singapura. Menurut Perdana Menteri, kebimbangan penduduk Johor itu berpunca daripada salah faham.“Orang berpendapat apa kita nak buat kena rujuk dengan Singapura. Itu tidak betul. Itu tidak akan berlaku,” tegasnya.
Rather unlikely it was a 'silap sebut' if you ask me. The lion is known never to say anything without first calculating the damage. But as long as Pak Lah stays put with THIS decision not to let Singapore have a say over Iskandar, I'm fine with whatever excuses he gives.
Meanwhile, the Star, although playing down the issue, had this take on the debacle:

PM: No meddling by Singapore
TOKYO: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has brushed aside fears expressed by some quarters of Singapore meddling in the development of the Iskandar Development Region (IDR).
He said the fears arose after Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong inadvertently used the word consultative committee at a press conference in Langkawi last week.
Abdullah and Lee had agreed to set up a special ministerial committee to discuss areas of co-operation including the usage of smartcard for easier travel between IDR and Singapore and the promotion of tourism.
A minister will be appointed from each country to sit on the committee. “That (Lee’s announcement) was a mistake, a slip of the tongue. I have clarified the matter,” he said in reply to a question by a Singapore journalist who had asked him to comment on reports that Johoreans were fearful of Singapore’s involvement in the project during the 13th Nikkei Conference here yesterday.
After that announcement, Abdullah said, the people of Johor were worried that it would mean that any decision that needed to be made with regards to the IDR would have to be referred to Singapore for approval.
“But that is not correct. That will never happen,” he added.
Pak Lah says the Ministerial involvement of Singapore is just to sort out the smartcard issue for easy passage of lionites into Iskandar. I can live with that I suppose. Contrary to what was greatly misinterpreted about my last posting, I'm not against Singapore investing in Iskandar.
I am just completely against giving them any say at all on the policy and direction of Iskandar, beyond the ordinary fora available to them as investors . They must never have any role as direct policy makers.
I hope this decision stays and doesnt become a victim of flip flopping which is so common ever since October of 2003. Jangan pulak ada Langkawi getaway sekali lagi ada perubahan pula.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Right Idea In Wrong Hands

Iskandar irritates the hell out of me.
I am referring to the Wilayah Pembangunan Singapura Utara of course, otherwise known as SJER.(Apparently, the Singaporeans have taken to calling SJER by the affectionate name Iskandar. Maklumlaaaah... it's their newest acquisition. Mesti la sayang)
Iskandar bugs me still, even though I have already ranted and raved about it in my previous posting. It bugs me because of the stupidity of the HP6 government in inviting a competitor to serve as our advisor. Do these people really believe that our competitor will advise in our best interest? Of course not! They are our competitors!
Now when has Singa-pura-pura ever been benevolent towards us? We asked for an increase in the price of water pun they make a big deal out of it. We want to build a bridge that would allow free flow of water in the Tebrau Straits, they don't agree.Why? Because it will affect their competitiveness! They are forever competing with us. It is no secret that Singapore is an insecure pygmy city state, always in survival mode, forever having the siege mentality. Even its Minister Mental...I mean Mentor... has alluded to as much on a number of occasions. Why as recently as a week before the famous Langkawi humiliation, LKY was shooting his mouth off again saying the damn red dot is "More special" than countries around it.
Now what on earth makes anyone think that a week later Singa pura-pura's world view has changed?; that it now sees Malaysia as an equal, a partner with whom it can share knowledge and expertise, sama-sama bahagia membina rumahtangga??
Please la. How can we be so gullible. I can almost hear the collective laughter of Kiasu Lion-ites across the causeway, as they salivate over their own piece of the Malaysian pie.
It really is quite a tragedy.
Iskandar was, I suppose, a good idea. It puts us head to head to compete against Singapura-pura, and damn it we had a good shot to win. For instance, if iskandar was designated a special zone with a special tax structure as well as additional incentives for capital investments with no restrictions on repatriation of funds, that could easily be a major draw for foreign businesses operating in the red dot to move to South Johore. They would want to take full advantage of a new 'tax haven' of sorts (even if exemption was for just the first ten year period) because it's a huge chunk of savings. And after ten years, we can offer other incentives to keep them here, although perhaps we don't need to, because it would be too expensive for them to move back to Singa pura-pura by then anyway. That's just one tiny, simple example.
My point is that Iskandar could have been fantastic for us. It was after all an idea hatched during TDM's time, although YDP said "ini idea saya" just coz he crystallized an already existing concept. Whatever. Let him have the credit. Takpa. Ambik lah.
but coming back to Iskandar, one fails to see the rationale of inviting a hungry competitive predator to play in our chicken coop. It's hardly likely the predator will teach us how to raise our chickens. even if it did, it'll just devour the chickens when they're fat and grown. This is what happens when a good idea is left in the bloody wrong hands of bumbling idiots.
As one of my friends eloquently put it: It's like a pretty young girl, accosted by a salivating, drooling, lustful (but polite) man who says "Excuse me miss. I live next door and I've been eyeing your delicious looking rear end for some time now. I was wondering, would you be so kind as to let me rape you?". Then, against all odds, the girl says "Why, how nice of you to ask, sir. Here." as she spreads her legs and bends over.
Now I wouldn't use such a crude analogy, but the lesson there is spot on. Why are we letting them eat us alive? (sigh...)
Many bloggers have commented already on this and I don't think I should ramble on, frustrated as hell though I may be. So I just want to make one last parting plea, before I leave this subject for good.
Dear, dear powers that be. Please wake up. It was bad enough when we had the enemy at the gates. You've gone one step farther and let them in. It's bad enough that you remove all restrictions on property/land ownership by foreigners for property worth more than RM200K. (This has resulted in skyrocketing property prices well beyond the means of average Malaysians, particularly Malays. It looks good on paper, but its bad news in the long run. What if Tema-sick bought chunks of property in prime land everywhere and we can never buy them back? We will have literally SOLD our country) Now you plan to let them have a say on how we build and develop a region that BELONGS TO US -Not disputed territory, Not that craggy outpost called pulau batu putih (come to think of it , even THAT pun Singapura-pura takmo kasi kat kita.. ceh.). This is our land, pure and simple, free from any encumbrances, so to speak. So why have you brought other people in to 'help' us decide how to develop it?
Please o mighty Khairrr... I mean Powers that Be... leave your love for your Master Lion aside and let Malaysians have a wee bit of dignity, as this poor nation of ours turns 50. It's not too late to put a stop to this. please abort. Don't let this golden jubilee be the tragic year that Malaysia ends and Semenanjung Temasek comes into being.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wanted: A Hero

To take after the style of fellow blogger "A Voice", I'm starting this post with a few lines from an old song:

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
- Bonnie Tyler
I need a hero. We need a Hero. Malaysia needs a hero.
This evening my friend Jong-Il sent me a text (he's obviously not mad at me anymore for being cavalier about the state of the country) asking me about what really is wrong with the great YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. He'd heard it was really bad, really serious etc. etc.
At first I said it wasn't true... that it wasn't as serious as some people made it out to be. But that was before the press release from IJN. When I read it, I sent a text to Jong Il to say that I stood corrected. It was serious. As serious as a heart attack, as they say. Alhamdulillah Tun, our hero is doing very well, responding to treatment and recovering slowly but surely.
but you don't need to be a doctor to know that a second heart attack in the space of six months is never good news. His spirit may be young, his heart and spirit is definitely strong, but my beloved Tun's physical body is not. It is soon to be 82 years of age.
I remember watching a sitcom once where one of the characters said " A heart attack is one of nature's ways of warning you, telling you to take it easy." YABhg TDM has had two warnings... and stern warnings they are.
When my beloved Tun had the first scare back in November, I guess I was in denial, as many of us were -still are- because we want so much to believe that nothing could get our hero down. We prayed, we willed him to be well again... and Tun being Tun, he recovered remarkably. We wanted to believe that he's as good as new, that he could even become our Prime Minister again.. (god how I wish that were possible)... But even though Tun looks so healthy (alhamdulillah), and young and in the pink of health, the truth, as we now know, is that he was healthy yes, but at 82, he's not as resilient, not able to brush aside illness as he used to do for most of the 22 years he held Malaysia's hand and led her to glory.
My beloved Tun is bruised, after many years of battle. InshaAllah he will soon be back in the pink of health. I pray for this every day and I really believe it will be soon. But after this second attack, I don't want to be as blind as I was in November. I don't want to celebrate Tun's recovery just for my selfish reason of wanting to see him fight the evil that grips our land.
No. I want him well because I love him as a son loves his father. I want him to be well because I want him to be well and because I want him to be with me as long as is humanly possible.
And so I'm going to wish that Tun withdraws from public life. I really hope that his family will feel the same way and insist on his complete withdrawal. He must retreat into peace and tranquility, so that he can really be well and enjoy these golden years without any stress or angst.
It pains me that I'm asking my hero to abandon our cause. But between losing the war and losing my "father".. I'll prefer to retreat to fight another day, and let my 'father' spend his best years in joy and happiness, surrounded by his family and loved ones, and his legions of supporters.
I know not many people would agree with me. At least not as far as the soundness of my philosophy is concerned. but I don't care. I want Tun to rest.
Which was what I told Jong Il. To which he said: Then we will have lost our true leader, and The Evil That Grips Our Land (TETGOL) will thrive and prosper as our people suffer and our nation is cut up and sold.
Which led me to the actual reason that i wrote this piece, the reason I quoted the song above. We need a *#*& Hero, and we need one now.
Thing is, if you go around the country, there are thousands of people who hate TETGOL . From cab drivers to Ketua Bahagians to Members of Parliament, to powerful business many people are angry at YDP and his son and SIL. But the voices are in disarray and unorganized. And so every voice that should make up the force for change is reduced to mere whispers... almost silenced by fears that TETGOL might find out and retaliate. In actual fact the power of the force is great. but disunited and too spread out, the power becomes nothing.
This is where our Hero is needed. We need someone to come out in shining armour, with enough charisma and courage, to convince the masses that he is the real deal. Not a flash in the pan, not a tainted hasbeen sodomite with illusions of grandeur, not a relic of the past that is no match for TETGOL's SIL.Someone that the public can believe in, that they can rally behind without having to fear SIL or FIL.
Only when such a person emerges will the people unite and the spores of tiny voices will become one loud and powerful cataclysmic roar of power bellowing triumphantly to herald in a new dawn of hope. Only then will TETGOL be chased away and we can begin to rebuild our economy ravaged by one family's greed, and only then can we protect our land once again
For far too long we have relied on the Tongkat that is Tun Mahathir... tongkat for the economy, for developing the country, for protecting our shores, for protecting the Malays, and now, since 2003, a tongkat to beat some sense into FIL, the figurehead of TETGOL.
But Tun has more than earned his rest. He has more than done his duty to God, King and country. It's time someone else led the charge to regain justice and national pride.
So who will this hero be?
I have no one in mind and I cannot even begin to suggest a name that would have sufficient courage of conviction, charisma and character to take on the leadership to fight TETGOL, now that Tun MUST literally retire, in the name of his health and for the sake of all who love him.
I don't know where or who our new hero is and where he will come from. I just know that we need a hero.Badly. Any takers?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

All Hail The King Of Beasts

This is a follow up piece to what I wrote previously here.

I was really nauseated to see the spectacle in Langkawi yesterday.

There they were our bunch of so-called “leaders” ( Read: yellow-livered spineless, gutless morons), bowing and scraping and forsaking all dignity and pride to kow tow to the Lion.

There was the AP queen, her rouge covered lips stretched from ear to ear, in an eager beaver smile that revealed expensively shined teeth, glittering against the television floodlights. There was the father of all ingrates,the Northern MB, head bobbing up and down as though on a spring… desperately trying to be seen by the boss. This is after all, a typical Half Past Six affair… you must show eager support of your boss and you must be SEEN or you will be forgotten. And this is especially important when you have a sleeping FIL as a leader… dah lah he’s seldom awake… bila-bila dia sedar tu, baik you tunjuk muka…

And there was The Minister of Taxis, also sporting a grotesque smile, almost climaxing at YDP’s acknowledgement of him. And who was that young boy behind him…? Oh wait… my mistake… it’s Miss Sports…all happy happy smiley smiley… why not?The lion is in town!

And what were they (Half Past Sixers) all there for…? To give away yet another piece of our pride and dignity.

Dan disinilah begitu banyak persoalan dan kebimbangan menggangu perasaan kita. Apa perlunya perbincangan diadakan dengan Singa Pura-pura tentang pembangunan wilayah Iskandar (SJER)??... Siapa Singa pura-pura ni untuk melibatkan diri dalam hal ehwal pembangunan negara kita??... Mengapa perlu ditubuhkan jawatankuasa yang membabitkan singapura?? Mengapa perlu adanya jawatankuasa untuk kerjasama antara Malaysia dan Singapura dalam urusan membangunkan WILAYAH KITA SENDIRI?

Tanya lah kepada diri sendiri wahai kerajaan Half Past Six, apabila kita membuat rundingan dengan singa pura-pura, siapakah yang lebih lengkap bersedia dan berpengalaman memutarbelitkan fakta supaya rundingan berpihak kepada mereka? Siapakah yang lebih cekap dan memiliki sumber kewangan yang lebih besar untuk membantu menjayakan sebarang usaha halus mereka menguasai negara lain? Pihak manakah yang lebih berpengaruh dengan kuasa-kuasa yahudi barat untuk membantu menyokong hujah hujah mereka??? Tak pernah kah kita fakir tentang hal ini??

Sepatutnya, walaupun Singa pura-pura dijangka akan menjadi pelabur paling besar di SJER, mereka perlu datang dengan delegasi mereka untuk memujuk rayu dan meminta kebenaran daripada kita untuk mereka melabur… BUKAN MEREKA MENJADI SEBAHAGIAN DARI BADAN YANG MENENTUKAN DASAR DAN ARAH TUJU PEMBANGUNAN WILAYAH ITU!!!!

Duhai kerajaan pimpinan kaki tidur, tidakkah kamu khuatir akan tergadainya tanah dan wilayah negara kita melalui manipulasi klausa-klausa perjanjian yang bakal ditandatangani?? Sudah lah kamu menghapuskan SEGALA syarat-syarat bagi pemilikan hartanah negara oleh pihak asing, kini kamu mengalu-alukan mereka mencadangkan pelbagai lagi ‘insentif’ bagi menggalakkan kemasukan mereka. Sedangkan kalau tak ada insentif pun mereka dah lama berminat datang ke sini... untuk melapah bumi bertuah yang kaya dengan sumber alam dan tanah tanih yang subur....Kamu menambah lagi insentif untuk makhluk seperti ini menelan bumi kita?? Tak ke bodoh nama nya ni???

God… I get so angry, even as I write this. Mana tidak YABhg Tun Mahathir jatuh sakit… melihatkan segala gala yang diusahakannya selama ini tergadai dengan begitu mudah angkara kerajaan tiga beranak.

But I guess its too late… and we Malaysians do nothing. So much more I wish to say, but I better stop. My anger is getting the better of me...
All hail the mighty King of Beasts. The Lion has made another kill.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tun Dr Mahathir in ICU: Condition stable

I was quite shaken earlier to hear confirmation of this news. In the begining it seemed bleak... so little information, conflicting reports. The first sms I got was that Tun M in ICU. Critical.

I immediately made calls and sent texts... no reply from Tun's aide. Then a message from one of TDM's staff saying that yes he was in Intensive Care because of breathing difficulties.

More frantic calls... painstaking texts... slow because my vision was blurred by tears I couldnt control.

Then finally, word from inside. Tun is stable. Resting. Breathing difficulty probably because of exhausting activities amidst scorching heat in Bukit merah and Langkawi. Tun is expected to return to KL tomorrow, but for now he is being observed for 24 hrs. A few minutes ago, another text from an aide of tun's saying that the old warrior is off the respirator and is now breathing on his own. Alhamdulillah.

We ask all friendly Malaysians of whatever faith to pray for Tun Mahathir's speedy recovery.

Me... For now I still cannot contemplate a world without Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. (Ya Allah panjangkanlah umur Tun Dr. Mahathir dan umur Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, dan berikanlah kudrat dan semangat kepada kedua-dua mereka untuk terus berbakti kepada negara, dan membantu rakyat Malaysia. Amin)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Lion On The Prowl

I'm seriously worried about the future of my country. But like I told my friend Achul over dinner just now, the saddest thing is that I feel there is nothing I can do. It's all very well to say ... oh we have to keep on going, because the voice of the people will ultimately matter, we all can make a difference... so on and so forth... but I'm really beginning to doubt it. Can we really make a difference? in Malaysia?
The Great YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the man who kept Malaysia safe from greedy salivating economic invaders, lamented not too long ago that he was disappointed that Malaysians seem so jaded. Nothing shocks them into action. Nothing pushes them beyond cynicism and raised eyebrows. Not that he expected Malaysians to take to the streets.. But at least Malaysians should be angry enough to cause their elected representatives to spring into action and demand answers and explanations.
But we got nothing. Nada. zip. Not a whimper about the excesses of YDP and his family, about the ECM Libra Avenue debacle, about the slow and excruciating murder of MAS, about the control of one family over Khazanah Nasional, about the selling of Johore, about the rape of Terengganu
Articles like this one here written by YB Ron (Ok ex-YB) and posted on Malaysia Today make me feel more helpless. Its like its unfolding over our very eyes and we can do nothing!!
In the last few days, it's clear that the Lion is on the prowl again. This Lion is mighty indeed... mighty in causing destabilisation and enriching its coffers. This lion now counts as part of its domain the communications and banking & finance sectors of the most populous Muslim nation on earth, rendering that nation an economic hostage to the lion, should any situation arise that would put it head to head against the king of beasts.The lion caused the downfall of a government in the land of the white elephant.And now the lion eyes another weakened tiger of Asia... A tiger weakened by the departure of it's mighty leader of 22 years in 2003, replaced by a bumbling fool who cant tell s**t from breakfast. Probably coz he falls asleep between the toilet and the breakfast table. Ah but that's ok... He has a loving SIL to help him decide which is which.
Anyway back to the lion. in recent days, we heard that operatives of the lion are back in action after lying low following severe pressure from YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The operatives, believing that the mighty Tun is now weakened by age and health concerns, have returned to claim the helm of a boutique investment bank.... which is, I believe a vehicle to forage for bigger chunks of the tiger's meat to be devoured by the ruthless lion.
The primary Singapore operative - the fourth K- this time reappeared at the apex of the investment bank with a friend in tow. TF. Now this TF is somewhat of a puzzle to me. For a long time I thought his master was a reclusive Malaysian communications billionaire. Turns out, he belongs to another billionaire, a certain powerful SIL.
Then it starts to make sense. Patutla his budget airline got into the Lion's den so easily, in spite of the lion being infamous for its protectionist stance over every single thing. Yet it allowed the budget airline in? Hmm...SIL must've been behind it.. SIL is after all not only beloved by YDP but also by the Lion. It was within the lion's den, after all, that SIL got his early education.
Patut la the budget airline is getting all sorts of perks and breaks from PM YDP's castrated government... rupanya SIL is in the background. Rupanya SIL and TF are cosmic twins... almost one and the same, evidently.And the Fourth K of course is happy to work with the cosmic twins, faithfully serving his lord The Lion, whilst laughing at idiot Malaysians and the hp6 puppet cabinet, all the way to the bank.
Aduuuh Sang Harimau... apa lah dosa ditimpa nasib sebegini?
When news of the Lion's agent and TF taking leadership of the investment bank broke, my friend (whom we call Jong-Il) sms-ed me frantically.He was quite livid. Enraged even, by the blatant audacity of SIL and the Fourth K. I said, "well what to do mate? It's the way the cookie crumbles". Jong Il replied "Takkan the rakyat are that hapless?? (sic)". I only said "yes they are. live with it." Silence from Jong-Il after that... obviously he's off somewhere fuming by himself. Jong Il is also probably pissed off at my cavalier attitude about the whole thing.
But I'm not cavalier about it because i dont care. I do care. I'm furious! hell that's why Spooky Muck came into being in the first place. But like YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir, I'm starting to feel a little disheartened. "Resistence" as the evil are fond of saying, "is futile."
To be honest, right now I feel like my country has come under the rule of the dark lord Sauron (read: Jembalang Hitam SIL). But like I said once before, my poor country aint middle earth, and we dont have a fellowship of the ring that would help destroy Sauron. Our white wizard Gandalf (TDM) is constrained by age and of course by invisible spells that thwart his considerable powers.
Meanwhile the rape, pilage and plunder of my poor motherland continues. The lion prowls for ever bigger game, to have lavish feasts with its entire pride.
We, my countrymen, watch in horror as our motherland is being devoured alive. We wince in pain, we cry silent tears... but at the end of the day.. we just watch. Hmmm... Should we then be angry with the lion for coming to our territory when we did nothing to stop it or chase it away?